Meandering thoughts of a soldier on politics, culture and life
Middle Eastern progress
Published on March 2, 2005 By GruntSGT In International

Don't look now, but it would appear that when precedent is set (and backed up), that it may after all be possible to spread democracy to the most violent region of the world.

With the collapse of the Lebanese government, peacefully might I add, it is yet another step, a big step for Lebanon, in the quickly transforming Arab region. While I am cautious as to the end result, even critics must admit that the political shift in the region has been faster and more dramatic than any time in recent history.

It is a basic rule of thumb for goverment (all government, even repressive dictatorships/monarchies), that when the people speak up, the establishment listens. If you are loud enough, things change. Hopefully we are witnessing the first stages of a democratic epidemic.

on Mar 02, 2005
I hope it won't be American Puppet Democracy that is spreading...
on Mar 05, 2005
Democracy is supposed to be the will of the people. If thats pro-American fine, anti-American fine. As
long as its the peoples' will, and no human rights violations are committed, its not our business. But
we'll have a good batting average if democracy is allowed to flourish.