Meandering thoughts of a soldier on politics, culture and life
The Truth, and a Touching Story
Published on March 2, 2005 By GruntSGT In War on Terror

I wrote a brief outline yesterday about freedom spreading to the Mid-East, but there is a good and concise article at SCN&C about the remarkable outbreak of democratic reforms in the mid-East, and the real story in Iraq. I felt the need to put it up here because it made me remember how my 2 years in the region were so very different than what is on TV.

Also, there is an absolutely fantastic story about a young Iraqi girl that saves a Marine convoy on patrol. That link, or the links at the bottom will take you there. It is HIGHLY SUGGESTED reading. Regardless of what you feel about foreign policy, this is a story of love, and admittedly, made the Sarge a little misty.

Check 'em out! Thanks to Blackfive and Scott D, both fellow soldiers by the way.

on Mar 03, 2005
Good addition. Keep writing!
on Mar 03, 2005
Great! We need more like you; a writer with an actual, firsthand perspective on the situation. Welcome.
Too much of what's written about Iraq on this site is just spoonfed media pabulum vomited up again by the leftists. It'll be good to see what else you give us.