Meandering thoughts of a soldier on politics, culture and life
Like the slogan: Free speech from those that make it possible
Published on March 8, 2005 By GruntSGT In Blogging

There is a new article out from the Military Times presses that puts a face and explanation to the military bloggers. I'll be adding more to this whenever I get a free minute.

It should be of great interest to those that blog, particularly in the era of the War of Terror. So much pro and anti-war sentiment is carelessly thrown around on blogs, and indeed in our everyday lives, that maybe some of us should try educating ourselves by getting the skinny straight from those that do the work everyday without an agenda. Just an idea!

Grunt Sarge

on Mar 08, 2005
I wonder if it will give coverage to the recent upsurge in command attention being focused on milbloggers under the guise of OPSEC?