Meandering thoughts of a soldier on politics, culture and life
How Dubya is Destroying His Own Preemption Doctrine
Published on May 9, 2005 By GruntSGT In North Korea
Although I attempt to be apolitical, I do have conservative leanings, but I don't classify myself as a Republican. The reason is that Republicans, like Democrats are politicians, and by definition scamming opportunists. I was once an admirer of our President, peaking with his Inaugural address in January, as I felt we were entering a potentially amazing era of progress worldwide. I was apparently wrong.

On the one hand, there are brave men dying everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the President wants to talk about Social Security, and the Senate argues over filibusters. Wasn't the President the one that made a big deal during the campaign that he was a "wartime President." Well then Mr. President, why don't we go ahead and concentrate on that. The last couple weeks have seen a return to the levels of violence that preceded the elections.

And then on the other hand, there is another storm brewing that could make the invasion of Iraq look like a Detroit Friday-night driveby: Asia. The media and politicians are talking about car bombs in Iraq, but I want to worry about NUCLEAR weapons in North Korea and Iran. North Korea has already been caught of distributing nuclear materials to terror-states, namely Libya. And Iran, well, I shudder to think. Iran is the worst kind of terror-state, having actually had a direct hand in the 9/11 bombings--a fact nobody wants to discuss except the 9/11 Commission--as well as ongoing friendly relations with jihadis of all kinds.

President Bush's preemption doctrine stems from the belief that we have the responsibility to stop a blantant threat to the United States before its already happened, e.g., 9/11. Why is it then that we have a nation in North Korea, which admittedly has nuclear weapons, is in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and continues to take an aggressive stance in the already tense Asian continent/Korean Peninsula (not to mention has permanently pulled out of 6 party talks), and yet President Bush, the self-appointed Guardian of Freedom continues to pretend this isn't happening. If he was willing to go to war with Iraq over the POTENTIAL to have the CAPABILITY that North Korea (and Iran) already possess and have distributed to rogue states, what in the hell are we waiting for now?

The President seems to be more worried about his legacy in his second term than actually getting the job done he was re-elected to do. Well, if these two tyrannical nations are allowed to continue on their present path, then the blame can rightly rest at the feet of President Bush. Lets hope he realizes this before it's too late.

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 09, 2005
It is NOT my job to deal with North Korea and Iran. It is on the other hand the responsibility of Bush to effectively deal with these countries. Talk is fine if it works but it has not done a thing for either situation. Bush rushes to war with a country that was no real threat and talks with two others that are a threat to the United States. IT is "you boy" who needs to get a grip and try some policies that work for a change.

You just don't seem to get it, do you? If talking ain't working then it's time for "action". And in this case action means conflict. So when that happens does that mean we're not going to hear about it from you?
on May 09, 2005
If you mean military action your crazy. There's only one way to control North Korea is to get China to cut off their food and oil without which North Korea simply cannot exist. In order to do that it may be action to start discussing the nuclear Japan or nuclear South Korea which might very well move China into pressuring North Korea says they would not want to see either a nuclear Japan or nuclear South Korea. The problem is Bush just talks in North Korea and goes to war in Iraq which was no threat to the United States. All you Bushies ever do is say Bush bashing every time there is a suggestion that what Bush is doing is not working. It has nothing to do with disliking George W. Bush it has everything to do with the fact that what he is doing is not resolving the issues at hand. To continue going down a path that leads to a cliff is stupid. That is exactly what we're doing in our foreign policy, our federal deficit, Social Security, border security, Medicare and Medicaid and practically every other issue that faces our country.
on May 09, 2005
It's true the "I'm a war president" was another stupid statement in a long list of stupid Bush statements and pronouncements. Mission accomplished is something a war-tested veteran has the right to say. Not a war dodger like Bush.
on May 09, 2005
COL Gene, I have a question for you that I would like you to clarify for me. It seems you have pretty clearly asserted that military action in North Korea is not an option ("If you mean military action your crazy"). Since it's a safe bet China will not be of any significant assistance in curbing North Korean activity--they have been fairly clear about that--what last resort option to you advocate (you can't have a discussion with dictators like Kim Jong Il without the threat of negative consequences)? It seems what you are saying is you want to move nukes into the Korean peninsula in order to pressure China to pressure North Korea, which odds are overwhelming will not happen. Moving nukes into the peninsula also removes the diplomatic high ground from the U.S. by giving the N. Korean's a reason to retaliate. I'm a firm believer in credibility and backing up the statements you make, but it sounds like from the get-go, IYO, military action is off the table, and consequently if we get stared down--which tyrannts tend to do--we have no recourse, and thus the N Koreans are free to hand out nuclear materials left and right like they have already done. Isn't that the worst-case scenario we're trying to avoid, since I hope we learned our lesson on 9/11/01?

Just need clarification
on May 09, 2005
There's only one way to control North Korea is to get China to cut off their food and oil without which North Korea simply cannot exist.

--Well Mr. informative, why don't i buy you a ticket to China, and you can take care of that for us...hmmm?

--A nuclear SK might not be bad, could take care of NK for evryone...*plop* there's another missle at ya NK...[not really, they'd be screwing themselves too]

The problem is Bush just talks in North Korea and goes to war in Iraq which was no threat to the United States. All you Bushies ever do is say Bush bashing every time there is a suggestion that what Bush is doing is not working. It has nothing to do with disliking George W. Bush it has everything to do with the fact that what he is doing is not resolving the issues at hand. To continue going down a path that leads to a cliff is stupid. That is exactly what we're doing in our foreign policy, our federal deficit, Social Security, border security, Medicare and Medicaid and practically every other issue that faces our country.

--Last i heard the problem was NK and Nukes...coulda fooled me, seriously though, this confrontation all comes down to NK...period. not bush's ability in negotiation. BTW, I prefer Bushite, and i have rarely said anything about BBing.

--Also, you say that you don't like bush cause what he is doing isn't working, then tell me; did you like clinton, Bush sr., Carter, Nixion, Reagon,etc... some of these problems existed back then, [some slowly coming about]...yet these presidents did "un-effective" things...hmmm? [BTW i'm not daying this because i think bush is doing an awesome job, i like him because of his steadfast morals, you hardly see that in poloticians...unlike,NIXON, and others...*cCLoINuTOghON* ,J/K

Referring to RH's statement [i really don't feel like manually quoting right now] :

--No Doubt, some one would turn out this way, if raised by such a strictly conservative family, i know....i was raised in the deep bowls of the 'republican/conservative stronghold' of oregon [Ironically, now, because of emigration/immigration with people flocking to the Portland, and Willamette area[and a few other areas], they out vote our Conservative SH, in every election, thats why oregon is always Blue in the Pres. Election....

on May 09, 2005
If you mean military action your crazy. There's only one way to control North Korea is to get China to cut off their food and oil

You still are not using your head. And just how in the hell are you going to get China to do that? Threaten to send them to their room?
on May 09, 2005
Actually Miler there is one way...TRADE EMBARGO!

The Chinese cannot afford to be cut off from our market. Japan as well. If we were to threaten it, i think they might be receptive to helping us with North Korea.
on May 09, 2005
Actually Miler there is one way...TRADE EMBARGO!

--Not necessarily, two things: they have been industrializing,though not enough to meet needs, still would rely on other countries [not necessarily the us only] and, They could just as easily go to europe or other places for needs...
on May 09, 2005
altho it's a little late in the game to start considering this now...nk's mountains are honeycombed with huge bunkers in which they plan to wait out any nuke attack. i doubt threats are gonna do much more than make em head for the mattresses.

of course it was incredibly important we didnt drop the 6 nation negotiation demand. we done showed them.
on May 10, 2005
America and Japan are the two largest buyers of Chinese goods. If we pull the plug on the market for said goods. They are in a lot of trouble Lucas!

King is right about The North Koreans. Ever yell at a snarling dog? They just become more vicious.
on May 10, 2005

Stop buying products from China. Work with others to stop supplying them with the raw materials they need for starters.
on May 10, 2005
It's up to him not Bill Clinton.


Yes, but it was....and what did Slick Willie do instead of taking a hard line with them and making them back down? He did what he always did...avoided unpopularity at home and resolved the crisis by giving them everything they asked for and more.
I figure he knew he'd be out of office before the check came due, and somebody else could pay the tab, whoever it might have been. We're just lucky it happens to be a conservative Republican who isn't afraid of unpopularity or to make hard choices.
on May 10, 2005
Add isn't afraid to make insane and irrational foreign policy decisions to your list Rightie.

on May 10, 2005
Add isn't afraid to make insane and irrational foreign policy decisions to your list Rightie

That remains to be seen, doesn't it?
on May 10, 2005
We have a president with a extreme agenda which ignores what the vast majority want done. I don't consider that lucky.
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