Meandering thoughts of a soldier on politics, culture and life
A New Deal
Published on June 15, 2005 By GruntSGT In US Domestic
My partner Scott D from SCN&C sent along this proposed deal appearing on Suitably Flip. If you're a blogger, here's the deal, proposed in the spirit of the Gang of 14 Senators and their anti-filibuster/anti-nuclear option compromise:

Thankfully, PledgeBank's beta service makes that dream a reality. So if your name is Joe Lieberman, Mary Landrieu, Robert Byrd, Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor, Daniel Inouye, or Ken Salazar, help make it happen by committing to the pledge here.

"I will link to, Kicking Ass (DNC blog), and the Huffington Report for a week but only if 7 of the munificent 7 Democratic Senators will agree to quit filibustering John Bolton and vote for Cloture."

— Flip, Suitably Flip

Deadline: 16th June 2005. 0 [Senators] have signed up, 7 more needed
More details
Links will appear high atop the front page at:

If you're one of the non-Senatorial readers of this site, consider setting up a similar pledge. I'll aggregate them in an update to this post to lend us a collectively imposing air.

Personally, I laughed myself silly--it's so absurd, it has to work! So, to be a part of the ever growing list of bloggers fighting the hot-air emerging from the Senate, click here.

God Bless America, and Happy 230th Birthday, U.S. Army!

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