Meandering thoughts of a soldier on politics, culture and life
GruntSGT's Articles In Blogging
February 26, 2005 by GruntSGT
My military duties kept me away from a stable stting, but I hope to be able to get into this blogging thing. It seems to be the cool thing to do, and who knows, maybe someone may care what I think. I will use this weekend trying to decide exactly what this blog is going to be. I've found so many different categories of blogs, I cannot think of where I want this one to fall, but maybe thats part of the fun. I hope even though I'm sure that I'm going to get into arguments at some poin...
March 8, 2005 by GruntSGT
There is a new article out from the Military Times presses that puts a face and explanation to the military bloggers. I'll be adding more to this whenever I get a free minute. It should be of great interest to those that blog, particularly in the era of the War of Terror. So much pro and anti-war sentiment is carelessly thrown around on blogs, and indeed in our everyday lives, that maybe some of us should try educating ourselves by getting the skinny straight from those that do the...
March 22, 2005 by GruntSGT
I had an interesting conversation with fellow soldier and blogger Scott D , (I owed him that since he encouraged me to write a post about this--shamless friendly plug--you're welcome Scott!) about an editorial and related report that hit the news this weekend. Its a stunning example of the denial and arrogance of the traditional media. The editorial is titled State of the Media at a critical time, and is more noteworthy for its exclusions that the actual text. Nowhere in the editorial...