My partner Scott D from SCN&C sent along this proposed deal appearing on Suitably Flip. If you're a blogger, here's the deal, proposed in the spirit of the Gang of 14 Senators and their anti-filibuster/anti-nuclear option compromise: Thankfully, PledgeBank's beta service makes that dream a reality. So if your name is Joe Lieberman, Mary Landrieu, Robert Byrd, Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor, Daniel Inouye, or Ken Salazar, help make it happen by committing to the pledge here. "I w...
Although I attempt to be apolitical, I do have conservative leanings, but I don't classify myself as a Republican. The reason is that Republicans, like Democrats are politicians, and by definition scamming opportunists. I was once an admirer of our President, peaking with his Inaugural address in January, as I felt we were entering a potentially amazing era of progress worldwide. I was apparently wrong. On the one hand, there are brave men dying everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the...
I had an interesting conversation with fellow soldier and blogger Scott D , (I owed him that since he encouraged me to write a post about this--shamless friendly plug--you're welcome Scott!) about an editorial and related report that hit the news this weekend. Its a stunning example of the denial and arrogance of the traditional media. The editorial is titled State of the Media at a critical time, and is more noteworthy for its exclusions that the actual text. Nowhere in the editorial...
There is a new article out from the Military Times presses that puts a face and explanation to the military bloggers. I'll be adding more to this whenever I get a free minute. It should be of great interest to those that blog, particularly in the era of the War of Terror. So much pro and anti-war sentiment is carelessly thrown around on blogs, and indeed in our everyday lives, that maybe some of us should try educating ourselves by getting the skinny straight from those that do the...
Because my brother Brian (the Grunt Sarge) is such an inclusive guy, he has allowed me to help out on his blog so I can see what its all about. I've been reading for awhile in anonymity, and it seems to be an interesting culture of give and take. I read many political blogs, and hopefully I can write something constructive. If it goes well, I hope to someday have my own. Just a pointless article to let everyone who cares (nil) know. Bear with me everyone! Will
We are constantly bombarded by stats showing how American students are down in the pack in common academic skills and subjects. You can’t go from point A to point B without being jarred by potholes in our roads. Our power plants work around the clock at almost full capacity, and blackouts are increasingly common. We have some domestic problems. Also year after year, there are billions of dollars spent in the federal budget that prop up governments that refuse to fall in line with democr...
I wrote a brief outline yesterday about freedom spreading to the Mid-East, but there is a good and concise article at SCN&C about the remarkable outbreak of democratic reforms in the mid-East, and the real story in Iraq. I felt the need to put it up here because it made me remember how my 2 years in the region were so very different than what is on TV. Also, there is an absolutely fantastic story about a young Iraqi girl that saves a Marine convoy on patrol. That link, or the links...
Don't look now, but it would appear that when precedent is set (and backed up), that it may after all be possible to spread democracy to the most violent region of the world. With the collapse of the Lebanese government, peacefully might I add, it is yet another step, a big step for Lebanon, in the quickly transforming Arab region. While I am cautious as to the end result, even critics must admit that the political shift in the region has been faster and more dramatic than any tim...
I just read an awesome article titled America's Security Trojan Horse, addressing some issues and new developments in Asia that have gone largely unnoticed. Japan has announced, with America's blessing, that it will begin a massive military buildup, in order to conter the more aggressive communist regimes of North Korea and communist China. While it seems to me that having a powerful Japan committed to containing the communists, as well as defending Taiwan seems to be a positive to me,...
My military duties kept me away from a stable stting, but I hope to be able to get into this blogging thing. It seems to be the cool thing to do, and who knows, maybe someone may care what I think. I will use this weekend trying to decide exactly what this blog is going to be. I've found so many different categories of blogs, I cannot think of where I want this one to fall, but maybe thats part of the fun. I hope even though I'm sure that I'm going to get into arguments at some poin...
Thank goodness this is over! The campaign continued to get increasingly nasty, and just before the candidates got into a fist-fight, the election came along. And not a minute too soon! It was an overwhelming victory for the GOP, taking over both chambers of Congress, not to mention retaining the presidency. For President Bush, this is vindication for the 2000 election, as he not only won the electoral vote, but also a majority of the popular vote--the first time that has happened ...
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